Every person prefers lower price. Every person loves pay less. But not every person likes cheap quality. For example, Red work gloves. This is entry level of all work gloves and people buy them for one or two times usage. Some people use them for multiple times and they don't...
FFP2 is same with N95 for sure!
Young Ryu
Masks vs Respirators Before we go any further, let’s just clarify on a technical difference between a “mask” and a “respirator”. In day to day language we often say mask, when referring to what are technically called respirators. Uses for Masks: Masks are loose fitting, covering the nose and mouth...
Do you need best Suction Cup?
James Han
$249 for a single suction cup? So, it’s electric and automatic huh? Hm.. there are a lot of cheap suction cups selling under $30. Why would I pay $249 for a suction cup? I could say that I rather buy 7 cheap suction cups on Ebay and Amazon and it...
Tire of waiting 3M Mask?
Young Ryu
Are you familiar with "SAVER"? It is started from S. Korea. It is focused on Personal Protection Equipement, aka PPE like gloves, boots, mask, sanitizers and goggles. PPE products are usually used for certain people who works at medical buildings, manufactures, or any dusty and dangerous environmental places. After COVID-19...